
Moroccan Bliss...

I stumbled upon Berber Trading web surfing for Moroccan tea glasses.
I thought a "Moroccan Tea party" theme would be refreshing in our gift department last summer. In my findings, Berber Trading is the most reasonable and authentic source. There are other "Moroccan trading" companies, such as the the one Oprah plugged in an issue of her magazine. These are not original outfits and tack on a hefty exporting fee...or something? Berber trading is privately owned by people who adore hand picking beautiful objects threw their travels in Morocco.

I find myself ordering for our store all year round from Berber Trading.In summer, hand painted tea glasses. Fall holiday platters and adornments, traditional tea pots and pillows.
There website is like traveling to Morocco in itself.

To visit Berber Trading click on this posts above title: "Moroccan Bliss..."

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