
"All Life"

Wow! my first POSTING on my first BLOG. I'm new to this blog / my space / get your own air time on the web business. I do feel a calling. I'm finally taking my self serious in the business world. I come from an excessively "art world" past.
I grew up in the seventies/eighties. My mama was a potter. An, in the barn, throw'in pots on
the wheel, kiln firing, hav'in Raku parties, potter. My pops, a revolutionary , own his own struggling business, solar homes builder. I went to an experimental alternative school with a community of other kids with artist parents. The family was a unit. We went on trips (the hands craft fair circuit...FINE ARTS hands craft circuit to be clear) slang'in pots from state to state in the sun man van. Mom, Me, my sister Maia and dad. Dad handmade all the display setups. This life was a step away from being a carny. Immersed in art. The, then as far as I knew, business of art. Gallery life, Art show life, community of moms crazy artist friends life, a "struggling artist" family life.
At some point in this blog I'll explain HOW I got to where I am now. .."THE OTHER SIDE!" (my second Saturn return cycle.)
I am now a buyer for a unique store in Vermont. I work with wholesale vendors, a
ttend international gift shows, research like a mad woman on wheels, and deal directly with artists. Weather it be buying their wares or hanging there work in our store gallery. I have been learning as i go and will continue to learn...as i go. The "number" aspect of being a buyer blows my mind. Mark-up, margin, maintaining a general ledger, running movement reports. This is not something I went to school for. (I'm sure you gathered that by my atrocious spelling, It's phonetic...sound it out!)
I am in a very unique place!...In the MIDDLE. I see the perspective of artist/wholesaler...I see the perspective of merchant/retailer. I find most of the time being a buyer, you just have to roll tha
intuitive dice!.
With all my findings my new digs is DESIGN. Conceptual design. Contemporary design. Funky design & everyday functional objects with the element of design. I will post my findings here in this blog. Things of beauty. Things of interest. Things to sell. Things to buy. So enjoy the ride...keep your eyez open!
1.2.3 Rhoby

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rock ON, baby - loooove this stuff